Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Contribution of Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure in Reducing GreenHouse Gas Emission by Implementing Green Building Concept and BIM Technology



According to a report issued by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) in 2019, there is an increase in emissions and energy use caused by buildings and the construction sector. It is calculated that the building and construction industry contributed to 36% of final energy use and 39% of energy and process-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2018. Global buildings sector emission itself rose 2% from 2017 to 2018. Even worse, it is predicted that the construction industry sector will be responsible for the devastation of wildlife and natural habitats on over 70% of the Earth’s land surface by 2032.

Green Building Concept

As a response to those massive developments, a green revolution is initiated in the building sector namely green building. This new method of building development is not merely concerned about building methods, but also considers the energy used and wasted during the process, as well as health and productive aspects. In short, green building aims to minimize the hazardous impacts of buildings on humans and the environment. 

Thus, a vast method of measuring the greenness of building has been started in the 1990s, in particular by construction and property sectors. This measurement is not only focusing on new buildings but also existing buildings, as a recognition of the (hazardous) impact to the environment they may create from their activities. 

Ministry of Public Works and Housing is very well aware about above concern and is eager to participate in implementing green building concept into the development of infrastructure by publishing a role about guidance in green building practice in Indonesia namely Ministerial Regulation of Public Works and Housing 02/PRT/M/2015 which later was updated into 21/2021. This regulation is being implemented by most of the unit organisations, in particular related to building construction, including Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure.

Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure in a Brief

In July 2018, The Ministry of Public Works and Housing received a mandate from the President of Indonesia to build strategic infrastructure in order to improve human resources by reconstructing and building primary public facilities such as schools, universities, traditional markets, as well as sport venues across Indonesia. Thus, in 2019, a new working organisation was born namely Center for the Development of Educational, Sports, and Traditional Markets (Pusat Pengembangan Sarana Prasarana Pendidikan, Olahraga dan Pasar) which was responsible to organized aforementioned tasks. This organisation was later evolved into a bigger institution namely Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure in 2020.

The Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure is responsible for doing directive tasks related to education, traditional market, and sports venue to ensure that all the developments related to those fields are designed based on building regulation. Thus, all the infrastructure built can meet the four important aspects related to building namely health, convenience, accessibility, and safety. Moreover, this institution is also commanded to help other institutions execute their unfinished and abandoned buildings so that they can be used and function as to how they are designed to be. 

The adoption of Green Building

The Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure is actively adopting the concept of green building since 2019. According to the Ministerial Regulation of Public Works and Housing 02/PRT/M/2015 and 21/2021, all the buildings financed by the government above 5000 m2 are obliged to implement the concept of green building. In short, green building is defined as a concept which measure every aspect of building construction such as energy, water, and other resources. The main idea of this concept is to reduce resource consumption (land, material, water, nature and human resources, waste), as well as to recycle as much as possible which is assessed based on each construction phase, starting from planning, construction, usage, and deconstruction. The assessment resulted in green building certification which is classified into three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

The benefits of Green Building

Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure optimist that implementing this concept will be the new future agenda as an attempt to reduce GreenHouse Gas emission due to several reasons:

1. Energy efficiency

Green building method aims to use energy in an efficient way through several actions such as the consideration of building orientation in designing natural lighting and air cooling, as well as using renewable materials as much as possible. As a consequence, less emission is being emitted due to efficiency on each energy source. For instance, by maximising the use of natural air cooling, the building will no longer need a bunch of air conditioning which potentially emits over volume of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) from its freon which can harm the ozone layer and slowly increase the heat temperature on earth.

2. Water efficiency

Not only energy, green building also concerns about the use of water consumption and attempts to minimize the use of water as much as possible by recycling used water for other purposes such as for flushing or gardening. Therefore, not so much water is wasted and the use of groundwater can be minimized as much as possible.

3. Less cost on operational and maintenance

The ability to maximize the use of energy and water to achieve resources efficiency as mentioned in points 1 and 2 leads to the low cost of operation and maintenance of the building. It happens due to not so much energy and water being used in the designed area. The lower quantity of energy and water material is used, the cheaper cost for operation and maintenance is required.

4. Environmental issue

Materials prefered to use in green building are materials that have a green certificate so it can assure that no material can harm the environment. For instance, the paint used has an ecolabel so it does not emit hazardous substances. Moreover, material used in building construction is prefered from nearby distributors so that the CO2 emitted during transporting the material could be eliminated.

5. Do less on waste and do more on recycling

Green building concept emphasizes the importance of using recycled material in order to reduce the waste produced during the construction process. Furthermore, waste management is also being emphasized to ensure that the waste produced by human activity once the construction is done is well managed and can be recycled. For instance, separated waste bins should be provided in the area so that people are able to actively separate their waste based on each category.

Sukowati Traditional Market (Block A and B) which has been assessed by the experts in implementing green building concept

Currently, the Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure is implementing the green building concept at the first and second phase of the construction process. For the former stage, the indicators used are site management, energy and water efficiency, indoor air quality, recycled material, waste and wastewater management. At the later stage, the parameters used are confirming the fulfillment of indicators used at the planning stage, the process of green construction, green behavior practice and green supply chain.

Later, the implementation of the green building concept on each construction stage is then being assessed by green building experts to prove that the implementation is well conducted based on the guideline. As a result, the Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure publishes a letter of statement which states that the assessed project is qualified into a certain category (beginner, intermediate, or advanced). This statement letter can be used by the local government to publish a green building certificate. All the projects that have been assessed and its certification result can be seen on the below table. 

Table 1. Projects adopting green building concept in Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure



Green Building Stage



Adopting Ministerial Regulation of Public Works and Housing 02/PRT/M/2015

North Sumatra

Pariaman Traditional Market




Sukawati Traditional Market (Block A and B)



Sukawati Traditional Market (Block C)




Renteng Traditional Market




Central Gorontalo Traditional Market



Central Java

Legi Surakarta Traditional Market



Kaliwungu Kendal Traditional Market



East Klewer Traditional Market



East Java

Legi Ponorogo Traditional Market



Pon Trenggalek Traditional Market


In progress

Auditorium Brawijaya University



West Papua

Thumburuni Traditional Market



Central Kalimantan

IAIN Palangkaraya



South Sulawesi

Tempe Sengkang Wajo Traditional Market



Adopting (updated) Ministerial Regulation of Public Works and Housing 21/2021

Central Java

Gede Klaten Traditional Market

On progress


DKI Jakarta

§ Indoor Multifunction Stadium

§ Cibubur Youth Sport Center

On progress


West Java

Fasilitas Pemusatan Latihan Atletik Pangalengan

On progress



Design concept of Indoor Multifunction Stadium which adopt green building concept at its earliest stage

Building Information Modelling

The concept of industrial revolution 4.0 was first introduced in 2011 in an industrial exhibition in Germany and world wide recognized since then. This concept is introducing the new use of the Internet as Internet of Things (IoT), not merely as a browser machine, but also can be used as a communication tool in almost all factors related to human activity.

Industrial revolution 4.0 is also being adopted in building development by the invention of Building Information Modelling (BIM). In short, this concept allows contractors and other parties to identify the construction in the earliest stage of construction (planning phase) using 3D technology virtual reality before it is implemented in the construction stage.

Before the invention of BIM, the conventional method of construction led to the uncertainty of material volume which affected the waste material at the end of the project, inapplicable planning documents, clashes that appeared between each aspect of construction during the construction stage and unorganized documents once the construction was done.

The benefit of using BIM in the construction phase is that contractors are able to detect the possible clash at the earliest point and define accurate material volume to minimize waste material, as well as to shorten the construction method compared to if it is built using conventional methods.


Clash detection of the roof structure in Renteng Traditional Market indicates the inconsistency of planning design which could lead to failure construction


The adoption of Building Information Modelling

As a response to this new concept, and in order to adopt BIM in building infrastructure in Indonesia, the government formulated regulation 16/2021 which states that buildings with an area larger than 2000 m2 and have high complexity are required to implement Building Information Modelling.

 The first pilot project held by Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure was running in 2018 by building Bukittinggi traditional market in North Sumatra, followed by Pariaman market in the same province, Sukowati (Block A, B, and C) in Bali, Renteng market in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Legi market in Surakarta and Banyumas market (both located in Central Java), Legi Ponorogo market in East Java, Thumburuni market in West Papua and Mardika market in Maluku.

Pilot project of BIM implementation in Pariaman traditional market, North Sumatra

Aside of developing local markets, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure also implements BIM in other projects such as renovating sport center in Gelora Bung Karno in Jakarta and Manahan Stadion in Solo, as well as the development of Aquatic Arena and Istora Papua Bangkit which is prepared to held the ceremony of PON XX Papua event. At current, Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure is also running other projects at planning stage related to sport in collaboration with Ministry of Youth and Sports namely Cibubur Youth Sport Center, Fasilitas Pemusatan Latihan Nasional (Pelatnas) Atletik in Pangalengan, and Indoor Multifunction Stadium (IMS) which is designed to held International Basketball Competition in 2023.

The implementation of BIM technology in Istora Papua Bangkit

Even more, the implementation of BIM Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure also can be found in other projects related to education such as the building of of Gedung Pusat Kegiatan Mahasiswa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama (UNU) Yogyakarta, in which BIM is being implemented in all stages of construction and is the first project that is announced online for tender using BIM construction.

 The Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure fully understands that the benefit of using BIM is so impactful to accelerate the construction phase that it is also being implemented in other projects regardless that the size of the area is below 2000m2 as required in PP 16/2021. The pilot project of the implementation of BIM for this case is being held to rebuild school buildings which have been destroyed due to disaster in West Sulawesi province.

The Correlation between BIM and GreenHouse Gas Emission Reduction

The implementation of BIM in construction might be challenging due to several reasons such as the lack of expert in this field or the pricey software used to operate this modeling. Regardless, the Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure optimists that implementing BIM is also a big step taken to reduce GreenHouse Gas emitted from building construction. Therefore, BIM implementation will surely be found in the next projects held by Directorate of Strategic Infrastructure years ahead due to below reasons:

1. Support sustainable construction

The use of BIM ensures that the building construction is designed precisely and accurately from the earliest stage by identifying and calculating material used, material volume, and each step of the construction stage in an accurate form. Therefore, mistakes occurred during the construction process might be avoided such as material waste or overtime heavy equipment used during construction. 

2. Measurable operational and maintenance

The use of BIM technology is also able to provide a simulation on each material used and the energy required on each material so that the user is able to have a comprehensive overview regarding which material is most energy efficient and applicable to be implemented in the construction process. The possibility of doing energy efficiency leads to another attempt on reducing GHG emission. In addition, the implementation of BIM means that unused activity with no added value could be avoided.



Reniati Utami

TBP Ahli Muda at Ministry of Public Works and Housing

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